For those of you still checking in to see whether or not I would ever stray back this way... thank you my loyal fan base. :) I am back! Let me begin by wishing you and yours a very merry (and a little belated) Christmas. I hope that wrapping up 2011 and all of 2012 brings you great joy and happiness.
I am celebrating... that I ended up surviving the holiday season. Or as I have said about a thousand times around my house "Stocking Season." And I'm not gonna lie... I am somewhat surprised I lived through it. :) This season brought along with it a record breaking sales season. As I look back over my "books" in November and December alone I made 80 tumblers, 18 stockings, a couple of signs, some really cute "cookies for Santa" plates, a blanket, a dog bandanna, and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, maybe I got a little carried away on that last one... but I do feel like I made a ton of things in November and December. So, of course is now the time that I give a great big THANK YOU to everyone who purchased In Stitches items for their holiday gifts. You flatter me and make me want to come up with bigger and better gifts for next year. (Which is my explanation to Harley for sitting on Pintrest and Google Reader for the past three hours getting inspired.) :)
I know my last blog, however long ago said that I needed to get Photoshop before posting anymore crafts, and unfortunately that is still true today as it was then... but be sure to check back! Because once I get it, I will have SO many great things to share with you. I am very excited to get back to blogging and showing off my goodies... in a very PG kind of way. :)
Since the last blog followed some home renovation I will roll right along with that and show you what my new hubby did for me in the kitchen. It's like the light from above shining down on me... well, no... it's exactly that. :) I now have WONDERFUL can lights in the kitchen. (On an inappropriate note, I wanted to title this blog "Check out my new cans" (HAHA!) But we must always be aware that my Nana reads this... :) And I didn't want to make her panic!)
My attic cowboy. Apparently the attic is dusty. |
This is where I got excited because the holes were cut and really sad about all the cleaning I was going to have to do. |
There they are folks... my new lights! THEY ARE FANTASTIC! |
It is like a dream to have lights over by the counters now. I couldn't be happier! |
Please check back in. I already have orders and projects lined up for 2012, but I think I'm taking the week off. I am going to get Photoshop and then start sharing all of my projects with you. :) Yay!
My goal for 2012: All of my gifts will be completed and wrapped (but without ribbon... the cat still tests my patience each year by chewing off all my beautifully curled ribbons) by December 1st. That way I can accommodate all of the orders without wondering how in the world I will get my gifts done too. :)
2012 is going to hold some BIG things for In Stitches. Stay tuned for all the exciting details. :)