My Nana shared with me that there were some blog readers who were concerned about my well being due to lack of blogging! :) My profound apology to those readers for any concern. Life has been full and busy with bridal showers, transitioning out of one job and training to learn another, I'm working on finalizing wedding details, and still making In Stitches products for people, and as if that wasn't enough, I have been working on home renovation. (And of course when I say "I" I mean Harley.) :)
I am happy to report that due to some way generous gifts cards from family and friends to Home Depot and the amazing talent from Harley, that I have the most beautiful closet!! I thought I would share pictures of what has been keeping me busy and at Home Depot away from the computer and away from my ability to blog. :)
I am still working on several orders, in fact when I wrote out the "to do" list I had to take some deep breaths... :) But it will all work out in the end!! And I get to try some new things, which is really exciting for me. So more to come with that.
For now, some before, middle, and after pictures of the reno and the new closet.
This is the before picture of the closet door. Just your average door. |
When you open the door you realize that the closet is 9 feet long. |
And so what did they decide? Oh, let's put two poles in the 30" width and call it a "walk-in".... |
Here is the other side of what it looked like before. Not my idea of a walk-in... and also a little embarassing to think about everyone seeing what was in my closet... |
Here is Harley after the demo began. The door frame is out, the floor is messy, and I stuck with what I knew - taking pictures! :) And that mess to the left was put there by someone else!! Haha |
My very own Mr. Fix-It. In a good mood that he didn't cut out a load bearing wall and bring the house down. After being enlightened of the potential disaster, I too was happy with the outcome. |
This is the wall cut out to the desired size with the studs still there. Turns out, houses built in the 50's used a mixture of plaster and concrete in their walls... so there were a few blades injured during this process. |
The studs are gone, well, all but one. ;) |
Framed out, mudded, and ready to paint. |
I did help with painting. :) This is one of my favorite pictures from the renovation. |
Ooooooh Ahhhhhhh |
Complete with the oganizational system!! |
There are still some things that need to be done. The hardwood needs to be replaced in the floor where there used to be wall, and the doors need to go on. But I couldn't be happier! :) Life if sort of rocking right now. :) I hope it is for everyone else too! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!