Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry & Bright... Really Bright!

Hello?  (tap tap tap) Is this thing on??

For those of you still checking in to see whether or not I would ever stray back this way... thank you my loyal fan base.  :)  I am back!  Let me begin by wishing you and yours a very merry (and a little belated) Christmas.  I hope that wrapping up 2011 and all of 2012 brings you great joy and happiness.

I am celebrating... that I ended up surviving the holiday season.  Or as I have said about a thousand times around my house "Stocking Season."  And I'm not gonna lie... I am somewhat surprised I lived through it.  :)  This season brought along with it a record breaking sales season.  As I look back over my "books" in November and December alone I made 80 tumblers, 18 stockings, a couple of signs, some really cute "cookies for Santa" plates, a blanket, a dog bandanna, and a partridge in a pear tree.  Okay, maybe I got a little carried away on that last one... but I do feel like I made a ton of things in November and December.  So, of course is now the time that I give a great big THANK YOU to everyone who purchased In Stitches items for their holiday gifts.  You flatter me and make me want to come up with bigger and better gifts for next year.  (Which is my explanation to Harley for sitting on Pintrest and Google Reader for the past three hours getting inspired.)  :)

I know my last blog, however long ago said that I needed to get Photoshop before posting anymore crafts, and unfortunately that is still true today as it was then... but be sure to check back!  Because once I get it, I will have SO many great things to share with you.  I am very excited to get back to blogging and showing off my goodies... in a very PG kind of way.  :)

Since the last blog followed some home renovation I will roll right along with that and show you what my new hubby did for me in the kitchen.  It's like the light from above shining down on me... well, no... it's exactly that.  :)  I now have WONDERFUL can lights in the kitchen.  (On an inappropriate note, I wanted to title this blog "Check out my new cans" (HAHA!)  But we must always be aware that my Nana reads this...  :)  And I didn't want to make her panic!) 

Here is the kitchen before.  Yep, that's right.  One measly 60 watt bulb not even centered in the kitchen.  The counters, sink, and stove area are all over on the left... farthest from the light, and if you are standing in front of the counter blocking the light, forget about it...  The tap is already in place for the new lights, but it wasn't until after that that I had my "OH WAIT!  We need a BEFORE shot!" realization.

My attic cowboy.  Apparently the attic is dusty.

This is where I got excited because the holes were cut and really sad about all the cleaning I was going to have to do.

There was a major tragedy during the project.  (Majorly hilarious from my point of view...)  Harley's ladder fell as he was climbing into the attic and he was hanging onto the attic opening and the box of new lights fell and hit him in the face.  I didn't think it was funny because he got hurt... I thought it was funny because my parents let me watch America's Funniest Home Videos and I have been conditioned to laugh at such things.  Anyway... he didn't bleed much!

There they are folks... my new lights!  THEY ARE FANTASTIC!

It is like a dream to have lights over by the counters now.  I couldn't be happier!

Please check back in.  I already have orders and projects lined up for 2012, but I think I'm taking the week off.  I am going to get Photoshop and then start sharing all of my projects with you.  :)  Yay!

My goal for 2012:  All of my gifts will be completed and wrapped (but without ribbon... the cat still tests my patience each year by chewing off all my beautifully curled ribbons) by December 1st.  That way I can accommodate all of the orders without wondering how in the world I will get my gifts done too.  :) 

2012 is going to hold some BIG things for In Stitches.  Stay tuned for all the exciting details.  :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm alive!!

My Nana shared with me that there were some blog readers who were concerned about my well being due to lack of blogging!  :)  My profound apology to those readers for any concern.  Life has been full and busy with bridal showers, transitioning out of one job and training to learn another, I'm working on finalizing wedding details, and still making In Stitches products for people, and as if that wasn't enough, I have been working on home renovation.  (And of course when I say "I" I mean Harley.)  :)

I am happy to report that due to some way generous gifts cards from family and friends to Home Depot and the amazing talent from Harley, that I have the most beautiful closet!!  I thought I would share pictures of what has been keeping me busy and at Home Depot away from the computer and away from my ability to blog.  :)

I am still working on several orders, in fact when I wrote out the "to do" list I had to take some deep breaths...  :)  But it will all work out in the end!!  And I get to try some new things, which is really exciting for me.  So more to come with that.

For now, some before, middle, and after pictures of the reno and the new closet. 

This is the before picture of the closet door.  Just your average door.

When you open the door you realize that the closet is 9 feet long.

And so what did they decide?  Oh, let's put two poles in the 30" width and call it a "walk-in"....

Here is the other side of what it looked like before.  Not my idea of a walk-in... and also a little embarassing to think about everyone seeing what was in my closet...

Here is Harley after the demo began.  The door frame is out, the floor is messy, and I stuck with what I knew - taking pictures!  :)  And that mess to the left was put there by someone else!!  Haha

My very own Mr. Fix-It.  In a good mood that he didn't cut out a load bearing wall and bring the house down.  After being enlightened of the potential disaster, I too was happy with the outcome.

This is the wall cut out to the desired size with the studs still there.  Turns out, houses built in the 50's used a mixture of plaster and concrete in their walls... so there were a few blades injured during this process.

The studs are gone, well, all but one.  ;)

Framed out, mudded, and ready to paint.

I did help with painting.  :)  This is one of my favorite pictures from the renovation.

Ooooooh Ahhhhhhh

Complete with the oganizational system!!

There are still some things that need to be done.  The hardwood needs to be replaced in the floor where there used to be wall, and the doors need to go on.  But I couldn't be happier!  :)  Life if sort of rocking right now.  :)  I hope it is for everyone else too!  Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Tuesday

I just saw that the last post was made 9/2 and I thought, "Who is running this blog?  She should post more often!"  ;)   And not that excuses are ever a good thing (haha, that makes me think of a funny thing I once heard about the correlation between excuses and... well... never mind) but I did have a computer virus in between posts.  Get this, because I was looking for CRAFT SHOWS!  And I hit an unsafe link... Anyway, that has all been fixed and I am back in business.
After a lovely weekend that included a family bridal shower and engagement photos (which the fiance did so well at) I find myself in a very happy mood this week.  I am hoping to hear lots of good news about sororities and about my new job that I will transition into.  I think that hearing some of those things will help me let go of some of the worries I have been having.  In the mean time, I have over controlled/organized some areas of my life and made a list of the products I have made and still not posted about!! 

I am still making tumblers like crazy, in fact I just got an order of 50 in yesterday, which is perfect timing... However, today I feel like showing you all of the adorable onesies that I have made recently. I feel okay saying adorable because I really do love them. I hope you think so as well. And I also hope you have a lovely Tuesday. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pie Palooza Glasses

It is becoming my weekend goal (every weekend) to watermark all the pictures of projects I took during the week and get them up on my various websites.  As I was looking through making sure I had not left any out, I came across the hilarious pictures of 21 boxes of glasses in my kitchen from the Pie Palooza project.  I thought I would write briefly and then share the pictures with you.

252 of those bad boys for the employees at KCSL.  It was a day focused on appreciation, and I received lots of it that day for my part with these glasses!  I appreciate YOU following my blog!  TGIF everyone!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cloud 9

So while I know I have discussed my love for my Silhouette (at length) have I told you about my other love?  I am head over heels for the vinyl that I purchase!!  I used to purchase a more expensive brand that was okay quality, but I now purchase through an online dealer and get more for less and the products are amazing!  I wrote them an email this morning to tell them how much I appreciate their quality of product and their quick shipping.  When I get a new order it feels like Christmas morning!  I bring it into the house as giddy as a school girl ready to see the newest colors I get to offer potential buyers on my products.  When Harley (who struggles with why I need a light blue color and a turquoise - because they look like the same color to him) sees the empty cardboard box that the vinyl arrived in I tell him it was just a wedding gift!  Ha, but I have yet to show him any gift we have gotten...  I know he is on to me... but he says nothing, so it seems to be a good partnership so far!  :)

Also!  Don't forget to check out the left side bar.  My amazingly talented sister helped me set up quick links to my different pages.  So if you're reading my blog and think to yourself, "I wonder what Jessica has up on her Etsy page..." BAM!  There's the link!  :)   Thanks, Lou for your awesomeness.

Today I will leave you with a picture of the birthday girls' full outfit for her first birthday party.  I am working on 12 tumblers this morning and I have lots that I still haven't posted... so more pictures of those soon to come.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

1 candle for her 1st birthday

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crafting, Creating, and Designing... Oh My!!

What a wonderful week it has been.  If you have noticed that I have not been posting as often, I am happy to announce that it is because I have been inundated with orders and they have been keeping me busy.  Woot woot!  I also took a three day training last week called Promoting First Relationships.  (You can read more information about it here:  It was super encouraging, motivating, and positive.  It really made me feel re-energized to do therapy with families... how great is that?  Extra bonus, on the last day I got to plug some of my crafts.  Positive feedback is still so awesome to hear...

So craft wise I have some very exciting announcements.  I have of course still been making tumblers, in fact *drumroll please* I got my first tumbler order from The Tickled Tutu!!!  Someone who doesn't know me or know someone who knows me is going to buy my products!!  It was a good day, people... a very good day.  I have also been working on several "poster prints" which have been really fun!  Do you remember the onesie and tutu for Lil's first birthday?  Hmm... did I ever post the onesie?  Holy crap, I think I only posted the tutu!!  More pictures of the full outfit to come then!  My first poster print was for Lilli's birthday gift.  I have been holding off in case her mom was checking my blog and I didn't want to ruin the surprise.  However, now that the birthday party is today, I think it is safe to post the picture. 

These poster prints are ADORABLE and what a totally personal and unique gift to give someone with a new baby or a toddler.  So far I have made two and they are quickly becoming one of my favorite items.  Also shown is a poster print for a friend who is a 2nd grade teacher... I just love it!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hellllllllooooo New York City!!

Okay... so maybe Kansas City, isn't New York City... but lately I've been feeling like a superstar!!  Sorry about the delay in posting.  I have been making tumblers left and right, which is so awesome!  So, for those of you who may not know yet, it is official... I am officially selling tumblers at under the "Tickled Tumblers" tab on the left hand side of the page.  I am so jazzed!  It seems crazy to think about the whirlwind of events that have taken place over the past few weeks.  But I am pumped to be where I am.  And I so appreciate the support and encouragement of everyone who has told me that I can do this.  Even if I am not the next Martha Stewart, I have my things out there for the public, so we will just have to see. 

I am a big believer that things happen for a reason, and when I found out yesterday that it doesn't look like my job position will be funded in 2012, one of my first thougths was, "I'm going to need to get a lot of tumbler orders!"  With that in mind I have also made a few more listings at and will try to continue to work through my issues with having to pay money just to show a picture of something... :) and post more.

For now, I will leave you with a few more of the tumblers I have worked on recently.  They are so much fun!  And now can be purchased in two locations and

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crazy with Kristen

The last month of my life has been pretty remarkable.  Even despite the record breaking excessive heat!  And that is really saying something.  As I sit and reflect, I am feeling pretty dang lucky for all the things in my life.  My wedding is *gasp* three months from today... work seems pretty manageable... the diet thing is going okay for me... and I have reconnected with an old friend from junior high, named Kristen.  I am a believer that all things happen for a reason, and I connected with Kristen last month to talk to her about her success with her business,  Kristen makes the most wonderful tutus (among other things) and really helped me get a clearer picture of how to go about things for my crafting.  Through her help (and her literally doing things for me, like making me a Twitter - which I have yet to figure out) I feel SO much more grounded and ready than I was two months ago to move forward. 

So in addition to her knowledge and advice, which would have been more than enough, she has asked me to partner with her on her website!  So I will be selling tumbler cups at  How awesome is that?!  If that were the most exciting part that would be more than enough... but it's not!  However, that part is still on the DL until further paperwork is received.  But trust in this... I will be blogging about it as soon as possible!

Kristen just started a blog and said some really humbling things about me, which I could not compete with about her, except to say that I truly have a new found feeling that this is a possibility for me to craft and create and be successful at it.  You can check out Kristen's blog at

For now I will leave you with photos of my new tumblers.  I am pretty much in love... and how could you not be?

Of course I had to make one for me... These tumblers are so great!!

This one features a local high school

This is her son's name and football number for his senior year of football

There are so many more to come... I just don't have pictures of them yet.  Note the location... I'm working to make all the background uniformed... also please note the watermark as it was nearly the death of me!  :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I appreciate your interest and enthusiasm in me and my projects!  More exciting news soon to come!!